
The idea for Top of the Pile was born all the way back in December 2017 after I downed tools and handed in my resignation from a well-paid, but highly stressful and totally unfulfilling role at a very well-known company. 

Like you, I was determined to be happier at work. And so, with the help of a wonderful life-coach, and after a lot of soul searching, I became crystal clear on the impact I wanted to have – I was drawn wholeheartedly towards helping super talented, highly frustrated professionals land their dream jobs.

And so, with the official launch of Top of the Pile in July 2019, my mission began. 

With my ambition firmly rooted in becoming the first coaching and consulting business specifically dedicated to helping ambitious, multilingual millennials find, and land, their dream jobs, I love nothing more than working with fellow, talented expats. 

To say that there is an abundance of job opportunities for multilingual speakers in Ireland, UK & all over Europe would be an understatement! Unfortunately, I know way too many expats coming from all over the globe who decided to leave their friends and family to go abroad for work only to feel stuck in a “multilingual” job that leaves them unhappy, unfulfilled and uninspired. Been there, done that and got the T-shirt. I know how much it sucks! 

I am on a mission to help my fellow talented expats gain the confidence to go for jobs that they will truly enjoy. To encourage them to become more aware of their unique skills, gifts and talents and to gently nudge them towards the realisation that they are so much more than a non-native English speaker with a beautiful accent! 

I am here to inspire YOU to go for jobs that you REALLY want (even if you think that your English is not good enough) and to embrace a career that you will truly enjoy – because you didn’t leave your home country to be miserable at work and because you simply deserve it, period.


Obsessed with personal and professional development, I have two qualifications as a Certified Coach, including a Diploma in Executive & Life Coaching accredited by the World Association of Coaching with Neuroscience, an Advanced Certificate in Human Resource Management from Cork College of Commerce and a qualification as a professional trainer. I really do mean business.

If you want to know more about how I can help YOU land YOUR dream job, you can book a FREE 20-minute discovery session with me just here and let’s see if we can land you that dream job too!

Much love,
