VIP 3-Month Signature Coaching & Mentoring Programme

Top of the Pile's VIP 3-Month Signature Mentoring & Coaching Programme with Fatou Barry

My signature three-month private coaching and mentoring programme is for super ambitious but frustrated multilingual professionals who are desperately looking to make the shift towards a more meaningful and passion-filled career in a corporate environment.

They hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, and they are able to communicate effectively in English, whether in writing or verbally. However, for some reason, they sometimes feel that their foreign accent or mispronunciations are holding them back to reach the next level in their careers. 

They have been in their current role for at least 12 months or sometimes a few long years, and they feel completely drained, uninspired and unmotivated. Clocking out for the weekend has become the highlight of the week, and unfortunately the Sunday Scaries are always right around the corner!

They know that something has got to change in order for them to live their best expat life, and they are 100% ready to put in the work and follow the advice and guidance of a professional career coach and job search strategist who has already helped dozens of ambitious multilingual professionals land their dream job in Ireland and beyond.

Who is this programme for? 

You could be a good fit for this programme if you feel stuck in a “multilingual” job that used to fit its purpose back then but that is now slowly but surely sucking the life out of you; maybe you’ve applied to countless jobs online but heard nothing but crickets, or you have received a few interview invitations but failed to land a job offer repeatedly; or perhaps you’ve applied to a few roles (with no real enthusiasm) within your current company and you failed to convince the hiring manager that you were the right fit for the role.

Unfortunately, your self-confidence has been hugely impacted by those setbacks and you know that learning how to effectively sell yourself on paper, in person and online is the missing piece between where you are now and where you want to be.

You are convinced that you deserve more fulfilment at work because you didn’t make the decision to live so far away from home and your loved ones to be miserable 40 hours per week. You don’t believe that ‘a job is just a job’ and you know deep down that you would do incredibly well in a role that is aligned with your values, skills and talents, if only you were given the chance! 

Whether you already know if you want to stay in your current industry or embark on a brand-new career path is not so important. Career clarity is an essential part of the programme, and be assured that you’ll get crystal clear on the path you want to take halfway through the programme - if not before! What IS important, however, is that you are 100% committed to finding out what really lights your soul on fire and that you won’t compromise on that. You want to get paid doing something you love and you’re not just looking for any job to pay the bills. 

If you’re 100% ready to quit wasting your precious life doing stuff you hate five days per week, living only for the weekends and dying a little every Monday morning when the alarm rings, applying again and again to roles you’re half interested in without ever hearing anything back, you may find that this programme is perfect for you.

It's time to stop wondering what you must be doing wrong and finally have the confidence, knowledge and certainty that you're doing it right. 

I am confident that the right person for this programme will be able to see a dramatic increase in the number of interview callbacks and is more than likely to land an exciting job offer even before the completion of our work together.

Here’s how the programme works:

In this transformational programme (which, by the way, is like nothing else I’ve ever seen on offer!), I’ll work with you one-to-one to take you from feeling trapped, depleted and stuck career-wise, to knowing exactly what lights your soul on fire and what makes you an exceptional candidate with valuable experience, skills and talents that set you apart from other applicants. 

We’ll work together via several written assignments and Zoom calls for 12 weeks on the following things:

MONTH ONE: Career Clarity & Confidence Building 

Your first assignment will be essentially a long list of questions that will get you thinking about what works and what doesn’t work in your current professional situation, and help you identify your interests, strengths, skills, talents and areas of improvement. 

During our first Zoom call - a deep dive 90-minute session - we’ll address any self-limiting beliefs you may have or anything else showing up for you, and we’ll explore together which action steps you need to take in order to go from where you are to where you want to be. 

Over the first month, we’ll be building the foundations of a successful job search, or what I personally call the 5Cs of a winning job search, i.e. Clarity, Confidence, Connections, Competency and Consistency. 

We'll start by identifying your core values, your ideal work environment and preferred company culture. 

Then we will work together to identify your unique value proposition and you will practice your elevator pitch in order to know how to introduce yourself powerfully and authentically to your new online and offline connections. 

In order to build up your confidence, I’ll teach you how to tap into the hidden job market and network like a pro on LinkedIn. I’ll show you how you can nurture your existing connections and develop new meaningful relationships in a way that feels aligned and authentic to you. 

And at the end of Month One, you'll know how you can position yourself as a top candidate that every employer would be lucky to have!

Month one includes: an onboarding pre-coaching questionnaire + a deep-dive initial 90-minute session + a follow-up 60 minute session + weekly check-in via Voxer or WhatsApp.

MONTH TWO: Job Search Strategy & Personal Branding

Month Two will be highly practical and action-oriented! 

You will learn my step-by-step process on how to write a clear, concise and compelling achievement-focused resume that gets you noticed, and you’ll understand how the Application Tracking System (ATS) works and how you can make it your best friend! I will also teach you how to craft a standout cover letter that will dramatically increase your chances of being called for an interview. We will also review and optimise your LinkedIn profile to make sure it stands out and incite more recruiters to connect with you.

One of our Zoom calls for this month will be a 90-minute full mock interview session followed by an extensive and personalised feedback on your performance. You’ll learn how to nail your introduction and conclusion, how to answer the most challenging interview questions and how to come up with interesting questions to ask the interviewer, all of this will contribute to leave a lasting and positive impression on the recruiter from the beginning to the end of the discussion. 

Of course, you’ll also be actively applying for suitable roles with your brand-new resume and cover letter writing skills (that you will master once and for all, added bonus!), and you’ll be regularly connecting, posting and commenting on LinkedIn in order to enhance your job search and boost your personal brand. 

Month two includes: a 60-minute online session + a 90-minute interview prep session, + weekly check-in via Voxer or WhatsApp.

MONTH THREE: Implementation & Accountability

Now we’ve got the big work out of the way, and you’re completely and utterly in LOVE with your career documents and your LinkedIn Profile, we’re going to plan out your short-term and long-term job search success strategy. 

I’ll teach you how to nail post-interview thank you notes and follow-ups in order to demonstrate your professionalism and increase your chances of landing the job. I’ll also help you navigate the much dreaded salary negotiation with confidence. 

Together we will create a success plan for your first 30, 60 or 90 days in the job and you will continue developing your personal branding using LinkedIn.

At this stage, you’re going to be applying and networking like a pro, and dealing with regular call-backs and interview invitations flying into your inbox. Trust me, you’ll be very busy and I’ll provide you with the perfect job search tracker to help you stay organised and focused. 

You will need less hand-holding at this stage, and more time to dedicate to your job search. During these calls I will be holding you accountable, and making sure you are implementing everything we’ve spoken about. 

Every week, I will also invite you to send me your customised CVs in reply to specific job postings, job application form answers, personalised cover letters, follow-up emails and LinkedIn connection messages by email, which I’ll go through and edit/tweak/refine so that they are of the highest possible quality.

From Week 9 onwards, you will have unlimited access to me via Voxer or WhatsApp to ask me anything, at any time, Mon-Fri only (weekends are for sleep-in, brunches & chill - I’m sure you’ll agree with that). I promise that you’ll get a reply from me within 24 hours!

Month three includes: 2 x 30-minute check in/accountability/Q&A calls + a 60-minute wrap up session, daily support via Voxer or WhatsApp.

What’s the investment?

The investment for this 3-month programme is normally 1997 euros. If you enrol by October 30th, 2024, you get a €500 discount with makes the total investment 1497 euros - when paid in full.

For your convenience, I offer flexible 3, 6 or 9-month payment plan options, at no additional cost. Just reach out to me by email (  or via Instagram, Facebook & LinkedIn for more details.

Considering the combination of the one-to-one support and professional guidance you’ll receive, the knowledge you’ll gain and be able to implement on your own for all future job search, and - most of all - the PRICELESS self-confidence you’ll exude by the end of the programme, I honestly believe that's a no brainer!

Anything else you should know?

This offer is NOT for everyone. You must be 100% committed and willing to put in full effort and take all of my advice and guidance in order to move the needle forward and see a significant increase in your interview callbacks and job offers. There is no secret: the more work and effort you put in, the more you’ll get out of it. 

Outside our planned video calls, you should be prepared to invest around 3-4 hours per week in your job search to get the most out of this programme. 

I promise to be there for you every step of the way. I promise to support you and challenge you whenever required. I will hold nothing back and teach you absolutely everything that I know and that has allowed me to change jobs and careers multiple times as a multilingual professional in Ireland. All of this, despite my French accent and occasional mispronunciations. :) 

You deserve to find deep fulfillment at work and to be well compensated for doing something you love.

If you want to enroll in the programme, simply email me at to let me know, and I’ll follow up with the written agreement to review and sign electronically. Once I receive the first payment (bank details will be in the agreement), I can send your first assignment there and then as well as the link to book your first session in my calendar!

I’m excited about the opportunity to work with you! Can’t wait to celebrate your new role with you! 

Note: If you’d like to work with me but you’re not quite ready to do it at a one-to-one level just yet, you can always join one of my group support programmes which is also at a lower price point (run at various dates throughout the year). Send me a message to learn more about what’s involved and how it works! |